Satya Dev (aka Satyadev Kancharana) has made a decent debut in Bollywood. In 'Ram Setu' (Hindi), which hit the cinemas on Tuesday, the Telugu actor played a character with divine attributes. While ...Continue reading
'Krishnamma' is among Satyadev Kancharana's upcoming movies. After playing a vigilante in the recent 'Godse' (which has been streaming on Netflix), the 'Thimmarusu' actor is essaying the role of a ...Continue reading
Satyadev's intense revenge drama 'Krishnamma' was released in theatres on May 10. Presented by director Koratala Siva, it was released by Mythri Movie Makers and Prime Show Entertainments. Despite ...Continue reading
Satyadev Kancharana is getting ready for the release of a Kakinada-based entertainer titled 'Full Bottle'. The actor plays Mercury Soori, a bloody drunkard who is known for indiscipline and a boist...Continue reading
'Gurthunda Seethakalam', the remake of 'Love Mocktail' (Kannada), is hitting the cinemas on December 9. The film's trailer was released today. Satyadev Kancharana plays a college-goer who falls in...Continue reading
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