Allari Naresh is currently busy with two films. While the first is Ravi Babu's 'Laddu Babu', the second is an untitled film under E Satti Babu's direction. Interestingly in both the films he is es...Continue reading
'Ugram' will be released in theatres on May 5. Its musical promotions have been relaunched with the release of a video song on Sunday. Titled 'Albela Albela', the Bhaskarabhatla-written and Srichar...Continue reading
Allari Naresh's aim in 'Ugram' is sorted. Thousands of commoners go missing every year. What happens to them? Why are their whereabouts a secret? Can the human trafficking mafia be eliminated once ...Continue reading
While heroes of this generation either want to be called as a mass hero or a lover boy, Allari Naresh chose a different route, we all know that. The secret of his successful career is just not bei...Continue reading
Allari Naresh’s ‘Sudigaadu’ with Monal Gajjar as his heroine is a full-fledged comedy entertainer on film industry backdrop. There is also a funny tagline caleed ‘Oke Ticket Pai 100 Cinemalu’. Bh...Continue reading
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