The First Look Motion Poster of 47 Days (The Mystery Unfolds), produced under Title Card Entertainment, was unveiled. Pradeep Maddali has directed the suspense thriller and it stars Satya Dev, Pooj...Continue reading
'Thimmarusu', which will head to the theatres on July 30, stars Satyadev Kancharana as a criminal lawyer. On Monday, unveiling its trailer, Jr NTR wished him and producer Mahesh S Koneru all the be...Continue reading
Star director Koratala Siva who is currently working for Megastar's 'Acharya' has come forward to present actor Satya Dev's upcoming movie. Actor Satya Dev is all set to act in his 25th movie that ...Continue reading
Less than two days before the theatrical arrival of 'GodFather', the film's title song was released today by the makers. Composer Thaman and lyricist Ramajogayya Sastry ensure that their music and ...Continue reading
The teaser of 'Uma Maheswara Ugra Roopasya', directed by Venkatesh Maha of 'C/o Kancharapalem' fame and produced by Praveena Paruchuri and 'Baahubali' producers Shobu Yarlagadda and Prasad Devineni...Continue reading
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