The pre-look of 47 Days (The Mystery Unfolds), produced under Title Card Entertainment, was unveiled on the occasion of Dusshera. Pradeep Maddali has directed the suspense thriller and it stars Sat...Continue reading
Satyadev Kancharana's two movies are coming up in the next two months or so: 'Krishnamma' and 'Gurthunda Seethakalm' are the ones. On Sunday, his 26th film was announced. The actioner with a crime...Continue reading
It's known that 'Uma Maheshwara Ugra Roopasya' actor Satya Dev and Tamannaah Bhatia are doing a road film. The news is that the film's title has been announced. 'Gurthunda Seethakalam' has b...Continue reading
"This is not something that is written in a fortnight by a bunch of people sitting in a room. This is the true story that happens around us each and everyday. We have weaved the story of ‘Blu...Continue reading
Close on the heels of the arrival of 'Uma Maheswara Ugra Roopasya', Satyadev Kancharana has signed on the dotted line to do one more film. Titled 'Thimmarusu', the film will be directed by Sharan K...Continue reading
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