Tamil-Telugu actor Aadhi Pinisetty and Tamil actress Nikki Galrani have been in love with each other. The news is that they are now engaged with each other. Today, the couple shared the news via t...Continue reading
It’s not a cakewalk to become an actor in Tollywood with non-filmy background and no contacts in film industry with just having passion for acting. However, there are still talented gems that...Continue reading
Samantha's look as Rama Lakshmi in Rangastalam is out. She looks adorable. The teaser was released today. Ram Charan who plays the of Chitti Babu talks about Rama Lakshmi. He tells us that she is ...Continue reading
The release date of ‘Gundello Godari’ has been once again shifted from February 21st to March 8th. This much awaited Lakshmi Manchu, Aadi Pinisetty, Sundeep Kishan and Taapsee starrer has been pus...Continue reading
Lakshmi Manchu’s forthcoming production ‘Gundello Godari’, based on four lives during 1986 floods in Godavari districts, started exactly a year ago. Anxiety grew about this film as the relase date...Continue reading
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