Sudheer Babu and Mohanakrishna Indraganti have collaborated for a film once again after 'Sammohanam' and 'V'. Unlike 'V', which was a crime thriller, this one is going to be a romantic drama. To be...Continue reading
After 'Hunt' earlier this year, Sudheer Babu is doing 'Mama Mascheendra' and 'Harom Hara'. The news is that he is also doing a film titled 'Maa Nanna Superhero', directed by Abhilash Reddy Kankara....Continue reading
Sudheer Babu is one of the actors in Telugu, who has been playing unique roles to entertain the audience. His upcoming movie titled 'Sreedevi Soda Center' is under making and the makers have a surp...Continue reading
'Maama Mascheendra', starring Sudheer Babu in three roles (as a don, a fatso and a DJ), will hit the cinemas on October 6. The release date was made official today. Directed by Harshavardhan of 'A...Continue reading
After the release of a trending motion poster of Shamantakamani and the character of Nara Rohith, the production house has now revealed the look of its second lead character of the movie. Here is ...Continue reading
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