'Leharaayi', presented by Bekkem Venugopal, stars Ranjith, Soumya Menon, Gagan Vihari, Rao Ramesh, VK Naresh, Ali and others. Directed by Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, the film is produced by Maddireddy...Continue reading
'Indrani’ is the title of an upcoming super-heroine movie. A first-of-its-kind movie made in Telugu, the story is centered on the main female lead, while two other women will act alongside he...Continue reading
'Krishna Gadu Ante Oka Range', directed by Rajesh Dondapati, will be released in theatres on August 4. Produced by Sri Tejas Production, the film is headlined by newcomers Rishvi Thimmaraju and Vis...Continue reading
Viraj Ashwin of 'Baby' fame will be back on the silver screen soon. His 'Jorugaa Husharugaa' will head to the theatres on December 15. Bekkem Venugopal of Lucky Media is cushioning the movie's thea...Continue reading
The Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board (MPTB) has come up with incentives to encourage film shootings and tourism in the State. Here are the announcements: A maximum of Rs 1.5 Cr to 2 Cr for films that ...Continue reading
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