'Swa' is the title of an upcoming movie directed by Manu PV. Produced by GM Suresh, the film has Mahesh Yadlapalli, Swathi Bheemireddy, Yashwant Pendyala, Siddharth Gollapudi and Manik Reddy in lea...Continue reading
The makers of Sudheer Babu-Nanditha starrer ‘Krishnamma Kalipindi Iddarini’ are making preparations for the audio launch in the first week of December and the film’s release in the last week of Dec...Continue reading
Sudheer Babu's 'Sridevi Soda Center' has caught up with good hype post it's release. The makes who are overwhelmed by the result, had organised the success event. Sudheer Babu who is buoyed with t...Continue reading
Sudheer Babu's last theatrical hit was in 2018, 'Sammohanam'. After the pandemic-induced lockdown in 2020-21, the actor has delivered six flops in a row: Sridevi Soda Center, Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Mee...Continue reading
‘Aadu Magadra Bujji’ starring Sudheer Babu and Asmitha Sood in the lead has completed the shooting part except for a song. The post-production works are going on at a fast pace. Krishna Reddy Gan...Continue reading
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