Akkineni's young and talented hero Sumanth is all set to entertain the audience with an interesting story. His upcoming movie "MalliModalaindi" is a story revolving around the life of a couple and...Continue reading
'Bhuvana Vijayam', coming with the caption 'A Story of Story Tellers', is directed by Yalamanda Charan. Produced by Kiran and VSK, the film has Sunil playing a cine hero. The news is that the ente...Continue reading
Ananya Nagalla of 'Vakeel Saab' and 'Mallesham' fame is currently doing a horror film titled 'Tantra'. What is new, she has also been roped in to play the female lead in a film to be produced by Ga...Continue reading
Sri Satya Sai Arts' 'Pyar Mein Padipoyane' featuring Aadi and Saanvi in mead roles has successfully completed all its formalities and got ready for release. Directed by Ravi Chavali and produced b...Continue reading
'Jandhyala Gari Jatara 2.0' is the title of an upcoming entertainer directed by Valmiki and starring a host of familiar comedy artists. Brahmanandam, Vennela Kishore, Satya, and Posani Krishna Mura...Continue reading
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